Tips for Winter Driving
October 31 2022, White Rock Honda

Winter rolls around every year and somehow seems to still catch most drivers by surprise. There’s a scramble to get winter tires (let’s not get into that debate) and conversations about the best way to handle slippery roads flow as freely as mulled wine. Although, running into a bit of bad weather is fairly likely during the colder months, it doesn’t seem to put Canadians off the prospect of making a few road trips. In 2021, Michelin reported that 40% of the people they surveyed were planning road trips during the winter. The same survey found that while 61 percent of Canadians don’t trust other drivers in general, 37% were also nervous when it came to driving in adverse weather conditions.
Some drivers do opt to stay off the roads completely – but doing so isn’t realistic for most. It also means missing out seeing the gorgeous winter landscapes across the country. Read on for our top tips on how to stay safe while driving in winter.

1. Winter Tires
Winter tires can help keep you safe on wet and icy roads. The softer rubber and the deeper treads give you better traction on slippery roads – apart from making sure you’re in keeping with the law of course.

2. Service Your Vehicle
Servicing your vehicle regularly makes sure it’s performing optimally. As winter weather can be harsh on your vehicle, you want to make sure any kinks it has been showing are fixed before the cold weather really kicks in. Get your car serviced in October to make sure it’s in top condition for your winter road trips. Stay on top of it throughout winter and make sure you go to your service technician any time you notice any problem – even something as small as a slightly squeaky brake mandates checking out and repair in winter.

3. Assemble a Car Clearing Kit
You need to make sure that you have as much visibility while driving as possible. Assemble a kit that helps you brush the snow off your roof and scrape ice off your windows and windshield. Use a de-ice spray to remove ice easily. Remember to brush any snow and ice off your head and taillights as well as to lift your wipers up when parking to prevent them from freezing to your windshield.

4. Keep Your Windshield Washer Fluid Topped Up
Mud splatter can really impair visibility. Keep the windshield washer fluid in your car topped up. In fact, it’s a good idea to have a can of wiper fluid in your car in case you run out.
Keep the fuel topped up too.

5. Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car
It doesn't matter if you only commute 20 minutes or have a long drive ahead of you. Road conditions can change rapidly, and you’ll be glad to have your kit with you if you’re stuck in your car for any length of time. Blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothes, granola bars and other snacks, insulated flask with water, an analog road map, first aid kit, flashlight with spare batteries, candles and matches, de-icer, sunglasses, grit, shovel, and jumper cables are all winter must-haves. It’s a long list but its better to be safe than sorry.

6. Plan Your Route
While planning your route – stick to the main roads as much as possible. They are the ones that are most likely to be plowed and maintained regularly. Also let your friends and family know whenever you’re travelling as well as the route you’re planning to take. If the weather turns terrible – stay at home as far as possible.

7. Keep Your Distance and Drive Cautiously
If COVID has taught us anything, it’s to maintain a safe distance from others. Braking on icy roads takes a lot longer than in perfect conditions, so make sure you keep at least three car lengths between you and the car ahead of you when the roads turn slippery. Drive cautiously in bad weather, stick to your lane and avoid passing if possible.
There are plenty of winter driving lessons you can take to build up your confidence if you need to. Have the fullest confidence in your car’s performance by getting it checked out and winter ready at White Rock Honda. Book your appointment today!